Breaking Bad

All posts tagged Breaking Bad

New ‘Star Wars’ Director’s Best ‘Breaking Bad’ Moments

Published June 21, 2014 by entertainer
Star Wars

Star Wars

Rian Johnson is headed for a galaxy far, a long way away, with the filmmaker in talks to write and direct Star Wars: Episode VIII and write a treatment for Episode IX.

Though he’s designed a career out of writing and directing original projects such as 2012’s Looper, he’s also got experience jumping right into a beloved property with three instances of Breaking Bad on his resume. A couple of those episodes, “Fly” and “Ozymandias” are consistently discussed as among the series’ best.

“Fly” may be the smallest episode the series ever did, happening entirely almost entirely in Gus Fring’s meth superlab. Walt (Bryan Cranston) becomes obsessive about finding a fly lurking within the lab and enlists Jesse (Aaron Paul) for help. However the episode is really about Walt’s guilt over his crimes and also the death of Jane (Krysten Ritter). Read more…